Accounting, Analysis and Audit 1-25 01 08

Qualification: economist
An economist is a professional qualification in the field of economics with higher education, which is prepared for research, design-analytical, planning-economic, financial-credit and organizational-management activities for work in the field of finance and credit.
The economist with specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit" carries out accounting of incoming funds, goods and materials; values, fixed assets and timely recording in the relevant accounting accounts of transactions related to their movement, as well as accounting for costs of production and circulation, execution of cost estimates, sale of products (performance of works and services), results of economic and financial activities; compiles the reported costing of finished goods (works, services); monitors the rational and economical use of material, labour and financial resources in order to identify domestic reserves, reduce production costs, prevent losses and waste; carries out a comprehensive analysis of the business and financial activities of the enterprise and its divisions on the basis of accounting and reporting data; proposals to improve production efficiency.
Graduates of this profile are in demand on the labor market, they will be able to work: as an accountant, an auditor, a financial analyst, an IFRS Specialist, a judicial expert on economic affairs, a tax inspectorate officer, an economist in organizations of different forms of ownership, also in teaching positions in vocational training institutions or in administrative positions of state bodies.