+375 [017] 282 82 01

+375 [017] 272 05 86

+375 [017] 361 82 03


The Second Stage of Higher Education

After the successful graduation from the institute and receiving of the Diploma of Higher Education students can participate in one of the institute's Master Programs, which aim to form comprehensive knowledge and specific skills for scientific, pedagogical and research activities.

Level Academic Year Period of study Document issued upon completion

Master Degree Study Course 2st stage

01.09. - 30.06.

1 year (full-time form)

  • Political Sciences
  • Management

1,5 year (part-time form)

  • Political Sciences
  • Management

Diploma of Master

Since 2011 the Institute has opened training of specialists at the second stage of higher education (Master’s Degree Programs):

  • Political Science 1-23 80 07

Specialty 1-23 80 07 "Political Science" according to OKRB 011-2009 belongs to the “E” profile of education - "Communications. Law. Economy. Management. Economics and Business Management " and the direction of education

"Communications" (23) and provides a Master's Degree.

Objects of professional activity of the Master are:

  • political sphere - structures of state power and administration (republican and local levels), political parties and social and political movements, international organizations;
  • sociocultural - political culture and self-awareness, social and political sentiment;
  • economic aspect - interaction of power and business, political interests and aspirations of various groups of the economic community.

  • Management 1-26 80 04

Specialty 1-26 80 04 "Management" (profiling: Management (innovative)) in accordance with OKRB 011-2009 belongs to the “E” profile of education "Communications. Law. Economy. Management. Economics and Business Management" and the direction of education "Management" (26) and provides a Master’s Degree.

The objects of professional activity of the Master are:

  • knowledge-intensive and high-tech product creation processes;
  • technology transfer;
  • innovative and investment projects;
  • intellectual property;
  • regulatory innovation support.